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How to Select a Broker to Sell Your Routes

Whether you are looking to sell or purchase a business, working with an experienced broker who understands the industry and the acquisition process can make the difference between success and failure. Join us on December 20th as we discuss what Route Consultant can do to help you maximize the value of your business and/or help ensure your success in the industry.

Learn more about what the role of a broker is, pitfalls to look out for when evaluating different brokers in the market, the value of working with the right type of broker, and why Route Consultant stands apart from the competition.

Every Wednesday @ 3:30PM CST

Every Wednesday our team of professionals meets you online to talk about the latest in e-commerce. We’ll deliver updates and analysis for approximately 15-20 minutes and then open the session up for Q&A. If you can’t find an answer to your question, this is a great place to start.

December 13

What’s Your FedEx Routes Business Worth?

January 3

Post-Peak Staffing and Efficiency Strategies